Have you ever read or heard about the process of nasal rinsing? Many people don’t know about this procedure, but it’s actually quite common. Why? Well, for one thing, it helps get rid of irritants and allergens that could easily enter your nasal cavities. Now, does nasal irrigation work? The overview presented on the provided link has facts you should know.
But beyond that, it could also help you treat sinusitis, coughs, and even colds. The proof is definitely clear: nasal rinsing often is a method of flushing out your sinuses using a saline (saline) solution. This solution has been shown to increase the clearing of the sinuses, as well as help reduce the swelling of the sinuses.
It’s been used for years, mostly by asthmatics, with positive results. However, recent studies have found that nasal irrigation can also be helpful in treating sinusitis. And, in fact, many health professionals recommend it as part of the treatment for sinusitis.
So how can we make sure that our irrigation is safe? And how can we tell which kind of irrigation would be most effective? Here’s a look at how different sinus irrigation devices might work.

Let’s start with what is meant by “safe” in the context of nasal rinses. Generally, the most common device used to rinse sinuses is a neti pot, which allows you to gently flush out your sinuses by pouring the solution into your nostrils. It is generally safe, but there are some situations where boiling water could cause some issues.
For example, when sinus rinsing using a neti pot is done too frequently or for long periods, the solution could irritate your sinuses and cause a very serious problem. One such problem has been described as “water in the nose.” In this case, because the solution is so concentrated, it comes out over time and settles in your throat.
This can lead to difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, and pain in the sinuses. The only way to avoid this is to go through your nose every few hours or to rinse the pot after every time you use it. You also need to avoid using your neti pot if you’re allergic to certain metals, such as iron or mercury.
There are also a number of other potential complications associated with sinus rinsing that you need to be aware of. One is called nasal irrigation retinopathy, in which the lining of the sinuses begins to thin as a result of the constant flushing through the pores in your cheeks.
Another is called “canker sores,” in which there will be a yellow or red area just inside the corner of the mouth. And, of course, one of the primary complications of sinusitis is asthma. Nasal irrigation or nasal rinsing following sinus surgery has also been associated with facial paralysis and permanent damage to vision.
This is due to the fact that the surgery involves incisions inside the cheekbones and eyelids. So, not only is your vision affected but also your sense of smell. Because your sinuses are inflamed, any scent you sense is very strong and you may actually begin to smell like an animal or perhaps even a human.
So, here’s the bottom line: although nasal rinsing following sinus surgery may help to alleviate some of the discomforts, it should always be done according to the direction of a licensed professional. For one thing, some flushing occurs during and after the procedure.
Also, sterilized water is generally necessary. Finally, it is essential that you rinse your face several times after the procedure. If you don’t, you risk further irritation of the nasal linings, as well as infection. Ultimately, it’s always best to seek professional assistance when it comes to flushing and/or irrigation techniques.